Understanding the TRPA, BMP's, and Permitting in Tahoe. To learn more about these practices, please CLICK on their Titles.
Connecting people with information to improve decision making and sustain investments in the Lake Tahoe Basin.
The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency leads the cooperative effort to preserve, restore, and enhance the unique natural and human environment of the Lake Tahoe Region, while improving local communities, and people’s interactions with our irreplaceable environment.
Science shows that implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) on existing development is a critical step toward improving Lake Tahoe’s water quality and clarity. To protect Lake Tahoe for future generations, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency requires all developed parcels to install and maintain BMPs.
IPES assigns a numerical score to vacant parcels and ranks the parcels within each local jurisdiction according to their relative suitability for development. Any parcel with a “top rank” score may obtain an allocation from their local jurisdiction, after which a building permit may be received from TRPA or local government agencies.
Permitting El Dorado County
TRPA’s goal is to offer customers outstanding service throughout the permit process and encourages property owners to plan for enough time to get all the necessary approvals in place before breaking ground. Planners work to serve every applicant quickly and fairly and the Agency is always looking for ways to improve call-back and permitting turn-around time.
Permitting City of South Lake Tahoe
The Building Division issues Building Permits, performs inspections to ensure compliance of California Building Code, TRPA regulations, and City of South Lake Tahoe Ordinances for all construction, enforces driveway encroachments, ADA issues, and investigates all South Lake Tahoe building and substandard housing complaints.
Enter the TRPA Citizen Access Database. Search the “Building: Search Applications/Permits” to find your record, then email a request to to view the files at front counter. In your email, please include the assessor parcel number (APN) and the file number for each file requested. Omitting this information may cause delays in processing your request. Some files are in electronic format and will be emailed to you where applicable. No user registration/login required to submit a file request.
The Lake Tahoe Info Parcel Tracker provides a information about parcels within the Tahoe Region. Type an address or Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) in to the search box below and you will get basic information about the parcel along with a location map. You may also search for parcels by clicking on the map. Follow the "View Parcel Details" link to see more details about the parcel including any deed restrictions, land capability information, developments rights associated with the parcel, and a summary of TRPA permit records.
Land coverage is an essential element of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency’s environmental plan to protect Lake Tahoe. Permanent land disturbance is most commonly measured in terms of land coverage, also called impervious surface, and includes all man-made structures such as homes, driveways, and parking lots.
NEVADA Division of State Lands and Coverage
NEVADA Washoe County Permitting